The main focus of this pack is interactive careers. Get To Work is the earliest expansion and it shows. For those struggling, it may help to take a look at both the worst and the best Sims 4 expansion packs to get a better idea of what exactly each one has to offer. With such a plethora of content now available though, it can be difficult for players to know which of the many expansions is worth their time and their money. For the most part, the main themes that players expected to see in these DLC add-ons have now all been covered, with seasons, pets, and many other things having been added to the game since its initial release. The most recent of these, The Sims 4, also happens to be the series' longest-running title, with thirteen expansion packs now under its belt. Updated April 17, 2023, By Tom Bowen: Despite turning 20 a few years ago, EA's The Sims franchise only actually has four mainline installments. But which ones offer the best value for money and do some expansions add more to the game than others? Well, here, those questions are answered and all of The Sims 4 expansion packs are ranked. It's not just things like new Create-a-Sim and build mode items that The Sims 4's expansion packs bring with them though, but also new gameplay mechanics, and, in some cases, even brand-new worlds. RELATED: The Sims: Things You Didn’t Know About Bella Goth Each one brings something new to the table, with focuses including pets, new careers, different lifestyles, and, of course, extreme weather conditions. Since the release of The Sims 4, players have seen eleven different expansion packs, covering a range of topics and adding various new features to the game.